Both Aryan and Dravidian influences on language-based regionalism are observed in this region. The language of Charyapad, the oldest example of Bengali, has a lot in common with the language of this region. Even the analysis of Sri Krishna kirtan by Baru Chandidas shows that many of the words used in the text are the vernacular of the region. Such as- Budha, Ghashi, Beshoar etc. Although the people of this region speak a mixed regional spoken language, the indigenous community here speaks the Sawtal language at the family level.
Education and culture:
In ancient times there was no such thing as education among the common people. However, Vedic Upanishad-centered education was prevalent among the rural Burmans. Education was introduced in the Thakurgaon area through the home-centered toll maktab in the British immediate past. The spread of education in the area started during the British rule.
At present the rate of education in Ranishankail upazila
Male = 50.2%
Female = 42.9%
Total = 47.8%.
The temple of Goraksh Nath, a guru of the Zia community, including Buddhists belonging to the Nath Sampradaya, one of the Padyartas of the Charyapadas, a well made of stone from his time and an inscription have been discovered at Gorakai of Nekamar in Ranishankail upazila. This proves that the culture of this region is very ancient.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS